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A Russian revolution in neuro tech

PR Director of NeuroChat Alesa Chichinkin gave an interview to the editors of the magazine, where she spoke about the system, as well as about the company 's intention to expand its field of activity and enter new foreign markets, including in the UK.

We are ready to develop and help people around the world, regardless of the political situation. "Politics for politicians," Alesa says, and people matter to us.

The magazine NR Times is widely distributed among specialists and medical centers engaged in their activities in the field of neuroreabilitation, and the article in such a respected publication is a serious step towards making us known to the world community.



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НейроЧат для тех, кто никогда не сдается! Выберите один из удобных способов получения, откройте мир общения заново!


Мы активно рассказываем миру о нашем проекте, чтобы уникальное решение, призванное решить проблемы миллионов людей, пришло в их дом. Здесь мы будем делиться с вами основными яркими новостями из жизни НейроЧата.

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