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Neurocommunication and neurotraining systems allows to:

type through the power of thought

train cognitive abilities of a brain

manage external devices

communicate in social networks

NeuroChat creates an opportunity for people with speech and movement difficulties to be able to communicate freely online.
It also allows people to train their cognitive abilities and develop resources of their brains.
About NeuroChat

"NeuroChat" communication system opens doors for people with diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, ALS, stroke, multiple sclerosis and various neurotraumas (head injury, spinal injuries etc); they are now given an opportunity to connect with their relatives, medical personnel, friends and the whole world

"NeuroChat" neurotraining system develops and trains cognitive abilities of an individual, such as: attention, memory, reaction speed etc., by analysing electrophysiological parameters of a brain.

Управление силой мысли
NeuroChat allows typing words on the computer screen or selecting pre-set commands without using speech or movement. While concentrating on a desired symbol or character on a virtual keyboard, user “mentally chooses” the object. Hence, letter-by-letter or with the use of other icons, individual is able to type out whole sentences. NeuroChat is not only created for communication among surrounding people but it is integrated with social network such as VK that allows people to text via SMS and other different messengers.
Общение в социальных сетях
Based on NeuroChat system, number of applications was created to further develop attention, memory, reaction speed etc.,
Использование интернет-сервисов
In addition to online communication, NeuroChat allows you to use other Internet services that are integrated into the system. Users are able to read thematic news (sports, politics, culture, etc.), watch videos, keep notes and use diary.
We are currently working on connecting the capabilities of connecting external devices with the power of thought; for example, controlling a “Smart Home”, verticalizer, etc.
Управление устройствами
For those who want to improve such qualities of their brain as attention, memory, reaction speed and others, without buying expensive equipment, there is an IQ-cafe network at neurotraining centres with specialized rooms.
You can sign up for NeuroChat sessions now and “pump” your brain in Moscow; 7-minute walk from Kievskaya metro station.

Originally, communication system NeuroChat based on brain-computer interface technology was predominantly developed and aimed at people with limited movement and speech capabilities. This is a brand new system, expanding the capabilities of such people.

To have a better idea/understanding of how NeuroChat works, please watch our movie. The cast stars the creator of neurocommunication system and its professional users.

Project’s History

The NeuroChat project is an innovative platform of brain-computer interfaces for neurocommunication and neurotraining, which allows typing with mental effort, developing and training human cognitive functions, as well as controlling the electrophysiological parameters of the brain.

Mastering neurocommunication technologies, i.e. developing direct contact between human brain and other artificial systems is a serious step towards a potential breakthrough on creating symbiotic human-machine systems. Such systems, being a challenge in present time, will be able to provide global competitive advantage in network communication technologies in the future.

NeuroChat, being one of the technological implementations of future NeuroCommunication market, is a response to the social request of millions of people, not only in Russia but also around the world. The system is multilingual: nowadays users already have an access to interfaces and virtual keyboard for entering text in Cyrillic, Latin, Kazakh and Turkish alphabets, work is an underway to introduce more languages of Asian countries, Chinese being one of the first ones on the list.

NeuroChat has no language barriers; the system considers the language of the message receiver and auto-translates it online. By and large, the social network formed on the basis of NeuroChat is initially designed as an international one.

In February 2018, together with the University of Southern California, the world's first session of international neural communications of two people from different continents was held: the Russian user corresponded with the American, both participants had difficulty communicating using standard methods; they were choosing characters in their native language, and the system was automatically translating it from Russian to English and vice versa.

NeuroChat is not only a communication system for people with speech and movement restrictions, but also a platform for neurotraining. NeuroChat works with the help of mental efforts, that is, under the “direct control” of the user's cognitive sphere.

Due to the implementation of feedback between the computer and the brain, as well as specifically developed techniques, it is possible to train concentration and other cognitive functions, while controlling physiological parameters on the EEG, which significantly increases the effectiveness.

Cognitive sphere training is not only the improvement of one’s mental abilities in the present tense: attention, memory, reaction speed, etc., but also the possibility to reach and maintain a state of “bright mind” in old age. The World Health Organization points out that working with the cognitive sphere is an effective method of preventing dementia (senile dementia).

We live in an age of rapidly changing world with vast amounts of new information that needs to be processed and acquired. Cognitive training allows you to improve the "productivity" and "efficiency" of the brain, make reactions more "acute", and digestibility more effective.

NeuroChat is entirely Russian development. The system was one of the first projects of the National Technology Initiative that helped develop and promote new markets of NeuroNet.

NeuroChat is a hardware-software complex that includes the “Garant-EEG” neuro-headset and the special “ErgoStim” interface installed on the user's computer. The headset registers user's neurophysiological data and transforms his mental efforts into specific commands for a computer keyboard or other executive devices. By tranforming the mental decision-making process of choosing characters into a real set of symbols on the screen, a person can type letter by letter without the effort of voice and movement. A special user interface allows you to accelerate the process of typing using advanced technology similar to T9 (quick input system used in smartphones and Internet search engines), and provides online translation into the interlocutor's language.

The software is updated on regular basis, as well as various working methods with NeuroChat itself

International Communication Session with NeuroChat Moscow-Los Angeles

A comfortable headset is put on the user's head, designed for long-term wear, which registers EEG and transfers data to a computer or tablet via a Wi-Fi wireless channel. The user "chooses" the desired character on the computer screen by concentrating on his intention. The algorithm for determining mental commands is developed considering possible low attention of a user, as well as low motivational-emotional attitudes or increased mental fatigue. The technology’s success rate of “choosing” desired symbol on average is equal to 80-95%. The execution time depends on the number of objects on the screen; on average it takes 2-3 seconds to choose one object. NeuroChat is created and can be used not only for choosing characters but also for controlling sets of different hospital equipment such as “smart home” system. Currently, work is underway to integrate this system into NeuroChat.


In December 2016 we presented the neuroheadset and conducted an experiment, in which two users from different rooms had a conversation through Neurochat.

In January 2018 Neurochat was presented at the biggest international exhibition of consumer electronics - CES 2018.

NeuroChat at CES Las Vegas exhibition

In February 2018 first conversation of user’s from different countries was held: one patient was in Moscow, the other – in Los-Angeles.

In June 2018 Neurochat was considered the best project in its category at the biggest exhibition of consumer electronics in Asia – CES Shanghai 2018.

Best Innovation Award CES Asia Shanghai for NeuroChat in healthcare cluster

In September 2018 Neurochat was considered one of the best Russian invention in 2017 according to Ruspatent.

NeuroСhat award "100 best inventions of Russia 2017"

In 2018 Neurochat will be presented at the international exhibition of medical equipment in Dusseldorf – MEDICA 2018.

In the summer of 2019, R&D of NeuroChat was successfully completed; the project transitioned to the commercial phase.

In December 2019, at the leading Russian technology forum: Global Technology Leadership, NeuroChat was awarded for its contribution to the technological development.

Создатели НейроЧат

NeuroChat is a multidisciplinary project that combines the achievements of local scientists with academic background in neurophysiology and neuroinformatics. Neurophysiologists, psychologists, doctors, engineers, economists, marketers, programmers and mathematicians took part in the project.


A team of specialists with extensive experience is working under NeuroChat project. All employees, from the scientists and engineers to patronage service and managers have experience in development of several high-tech projects. Only the close-knit work of like-minded people has allowed us to create from scratch and bring to the market an innovative product, practically unparalleled in the world, in just two years!

Наталия Галкина

Natalia Galkinaour CEO and ideological inspirer, through whom Neurochat saw the light. Natalia is one of the leading entrepreneurs in high-tech sector in Russian, leader of “Neurocommunication and marketing” section of Neuronet branch union, supervisor of several scientific researches and more than 100 research projects based on neurophysiological methods and tools.

Александр Лужин

Alexander Luzhinpresident of Association “НП “Эксперт” [NP Expert], Neurochat R&D supervisor, possess long-time experience in managing high-tech projects. Alexander had a difficult task of uniting science and production. To create a unique neuroheadset, to build an appropriate software, to put puzzle pieces together and make an innovative product – these are the most important things and without them Neurochat would not become a effective solution for many people who seek communication.

Алеся Чичинкина

Alesya ChichinkinaHead of Communications and International Development with over 8 years’ experience in the field of marketing and PR of high-tech projects. Alesya is a person who told to the whole world (and it is not an exaggeration) about this unique product, which is able to improve the life quality of many people and give basis for many other neurotechnological achievements. Thanks to Alesya, many people from all the corners of the world are now waiting for Neurochat to come to their lives.

Юрий Мустафин

Yury Mustafintechnical director of Neurochat with over 10 years’ experience in managing IT department of high-tech projects. Yury’s broad knowledge allowed to find not only an IT solution but to create the project on the basis of many long-term scientific researches. To successfully realize the task, Yury immersed himself in many neurophysiological nuances and as a result he has created simple and user-friendly product, which had been unattainable before for many specialists in brain-computer interfaces.

Александр Каплан

Alexander KaplanDoctor of Biological Sciences, professor, Russian leading scientist in neuro-interfaces field, scientific leader of Neurochat project. Alexander is a scientist with a capital S, the most important thing for him is to get to the truth, find the answers, discover the unknown. Because of his work Neurochat get the scientific basis, accompanied with the years of investigations.

Igor Zimin Business development director. Igor is a professional with a capital P! His experience in business development exceeds 20 years! He worked in marketing for such companies as Michelin, Castrol, etc. Igor has built a system of strategic marketing in NeuroChat for intelligent development of the company. He is a part of the team, thanks to which NeuroChat took the first steps towards foreign markets.

Galina Erschova

Galina Erschova Head of the NeuroСhat nursing service. The task of cooperation with doctors, medical centers and patients has fallen on Galina’s shoulders. She is the person who not only teaches neuro-communication, but also supports them on an arduous path of overcoming difficulties, overcoming themselves.

Get Neurochat

Neurochat is for those who never give up! Choose one way of getting it and rediscover the world of communication!


We are doing our best to tell the story of our project to the world so that a unique solution designed to solve problems of millions of people would be known all over and would be available to those who need it. Here we will share with you main news about NeuroChat.

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The success of any undertaking depends not only on the efforts of the team, but also on the partners who support this team on the difficult path of creating something new and important. We are grateful to each of our partners for their contribution to the development of NeuroChat!


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+7 (495) 661-03-55, +7 (977) 131-37-55